Quote of the Day

“When I climbed the Capitol steps in January, I promised myself that I would return to the Senate with an open mind and greater respect for others.

“Same-sex couples should have the right to civil marriage. Our time on this earth is limited, I know that better than most.  Life comes down to who you love and who loves you back– government has no place in the middle.”

Sen. Mark Kirk (R-Illinois) becoming the second GOP senator to support marriage equality.

At least Rob Portman now has some company at his lonely table for one.

But it shouldn’t take having a gay child (Portman has a gay son) or a near-death experience (Kirk had a stroke) to see the light on this one.

Is It Rob Portman?

Talking Points Memo had an interesting post yesterday suggesting that one way to handicap Mitt’s veepstakes is to monitor how often a potential choice’s Wikipedia page is edited as we get down to the wire.  Apparently, Sarah Palin’s page had lots of editing the day before she was announced.

Well — I just checked Rob Portman, and he’s had about 100 edits so far today!

Compare that to 22 for Marco! Rubio!, 7 for Paul Ryan, and 5 for Tim Pawlenty.

I need to go check some sheep entrails.

If I’m right about Portman, and the ticket is “Dull and Duller,” you heard it here first.  If’ I’m wrong, then we know not to try the Wikipedia thing in 2016.

It’s Not Portman

GOP Ohio Sen. Rob Portman was on Mitt’s short list for vice president.  But Portman says he hasn’t heard from Mitt lately, and those close to Mitt say he’s made his decision.

So it’s not Portman.

Portman was hurt by his lack of the charisma gene and his responsibility for increased federal spending when he was Bush 43’s budget director.